Raja Ampat homestays
Raja Ampat homestaysTijdens de Safari verblijft u in diverse, zeer eenvoudige homestays op verschillende eilandjes. De homestays zijn bamboe cottages met een matras en muskietennet, meestal electriciteit van 18:00 tot 06:00, gedeeld Indonesische badruimte (mandibak) en een eenvoudig (westers) toilet. Mawar is één van de homestays waar rgelmatig gebruik van wordt gemaakt. Uw gastvrouw of -heer spreekt over het algemeen zeer beperkt Engels en verzorgt het diner.
Mawar Homestay lies at the western tip of Pulau Arborek and offers two private and one four-room bungalow on land, and three private beach bungalows which are over water at high tide. All have spectacular sunset views. Bedding in each room consists of mattresses on the floor with pillows, bolsters, sheets and mosquito nets and each room has a room light switch, power outlets and a small table. Bungalow verandahs have a table and bench seating and Mawar has also strung some net hammocks between the coconut palms and provides a beachside shelter with table and benches for relaxing at. Meals at Mawar Homestay are served in a sand floored dining shelter that also has sea views, and coffee, tea and drinking water are provided there free of charge. All guests share Mawar’s two room, concrete floored bathroom building. Both rooms have bucket bathing. A western style toilet is in one, and a raised squat toilet in the other. Arborek’s electricity supply operates from 6pm to 6am. The island receives a variable mobile phone signal, but a little exploration can usually find a place where a slow data connection can be supported. Mawar Homestay is on the outskirts of Arborek village where basic supplies and cold drinks can be purchased and diving is available at Arborek Dive Shop. English is spoken at Mawar Homestay. Let op!Sinds Corona hebben we de homestays niet meer aan een inspectie kunnen onderwerpen. Klachten die we sindsdien hebben ontvangen betreffen:
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